How to Plan Your FM Radio Advertising?

Radio Marketing

What is Radio Advertising?

Radio advertising works by purchasing ad spots on popular radio stations to promote your services, products, and campaigns. Businesses pay for every second of airtime as per the time slots you choose, and the station broadcasts your commercials to its audience.

Why is Radio Advertising Important for Businesses?

Since the boom of streaming services, social media, and OTT, businesses often think that radio is no longer a beneficial choice. But that is not true. Surprisingly, radio listening has risen up by 93% since pre-Covid. Moreover, 86% of listeners select a product or service they are familiar with instead of the first option on a page, and 79% of listeners are more likely to search online for a product or service after hearing about it on the radio. 

Radio is considered a democratic and popular medium with high penetration. It is highly advantageous for local businesses with off-site shops. Regional and targeted radio advertisements have proven to bring customers to the business's doorstep. This trust invested in the message that radio delivers, targeted in the region a company operates, is enormous.

Today’s newspapers average 2/3 ad copy to 1/3 editorial copy. TV spends about 1/3 of its time on advertising. In contrast, at about 10 minutes of advertising per hour, today's radio devotes less than 1/5 of its time to ads. Therefore, radio is a medium with less clutter. Besides that, newspaper and TV ad rates are up, even though circulation and viewership are down. On the other hand, radio advertising costs are less than any other primary form of advertising.

When Should You Consider Radio Advertising?

Radio adsare the best option if you are low on budget but want to effectively reach a larger audience. Also, you get an opportunity to get creative here, especially if you’re planning to promote an event campaign, festival sale, new product launches, etc.

Who Should Consider Radio Advertising?

It is important to note that radio advertising isn’t for every business. It works best for businesses with a broad, regionally based audience or nationally known brands. It can also be a good option for those who bank on selling high-ticket consumer goods or services. Most importantly, it’s an excellent option for those with the primary goal of growing awareness of a newly launched startup business.

Before investing your money into radio ads, consider who your audience is. Do they even listen to the radio, and what would your ad need to say to resonate with them? Radio ads won’t correctly use your ad budget if your business is in a niche market. Also, here’s an additional list of who can consider radio ads:

  • Companies with a strong marketing message that can resonate with a broad audience
  • Brands that have a compelling story.
  • Startups who want to build brand awareness within a specific region.
  • Businesses that have a decent amount of funds to allocate towards advertising budget.
  • Companies that don’t need immediate ROI.

FM Radio Advertising Rates

Radio Advertising cost varies based on the ad type chosen by brands. For instance, the prices for jingles played during program breaks tend to be lower. RJ mentions that the prices for jingles aired during the show and contests are higher. Premium ad rates types like roadblocks and studio shifts, which create a significant impact.

Ad Duration Lgenth on Radio

The prices for radio ads, like jingles, also depend on their length, as they are typically charged per 10-second interval.

Time Bands

People mostly listen to the radio while commuting to and from work. As a result, the prices for radio advertising are at their peak during morning and evening hours.


Metro cities tend to have a higher listenership than smaller cities. This is often reflected in radio advertising prices. Popular FM channels in metros, like Radio Mirchi Delhi and Red FM Mumbai, are top choices for advertisers. Radio Fever Mumbai, Radio Indigo Bangalore, Radio City Hyderabad, Radio One Pune, and Radio Suryan FM Chennai are also popular.

Excellent Publicity Your FM Radio Advertising Agency

There are various ways to create a radio ad to promote your small business. While you could create an ad yourself, you need to ensure that quality ads are produced. Here to some common ways to make radio ads:

  • Sometimes, radio stations offer to make your ad at no cost. But there’s no surety about the quality. It could range anywhere from poor to excellent. It could either be professional production or simply a radio show host reading your copy.
  • You can hire a professional ad agency like Excellent Publicity, headquartered in Ahmedabad and has skilled teams across branches in Delhi, Pune, and Dubai. They have years of experience in the industry and can help with everything from scriptwriting to recording and adding effects to your message.
  • Another option is to hire a professional freelancer if you already have a script. You can record the message and then approach a radio station with the prepared message.


RAM - Radio Audience Management, reports FM Radio listenership in India. This service is for a fee. The RAM survey is not conducted on every station.

Radio ratings refer to the percentage of people in the market who listen to a specific station. Ratings are frequently used by radio stations for radio audience measurements. Surveys carried out by organizations like Nielsen and Arbitron, which collect information from a representative sample of listeners to calculate the total number of people turning into a specific radio station, are used to determine ratings.

A regular ad typically consists of spoken or written content that promotes a product or service by providing information about its features, benefits, or advantages. These ads may also use visual elements such as images or videos to attract attention and convey the message.

On the other hand, a radio jingle is a short and catchy musical composition that is used in advertising to promote a product or service. Radio Jingles often contain a memorable melody and lyrics that are easy to remember, making them effective in building brand recognition and recall. They are designed to be catchy and stick in the mind of the listener, often incorporating the name of the product or service into the lyrics.

While both regular ads and jingles are used to promote products and services, jingles are often more memorable and can help create a strong emotional connection between the audience and the brand. Additionally, radio jingles can be used across various mediums, such as radio, television, and online platforms, whereas regular ads may be more limited in their reach and impact.

A regular ad typically consists of spoken or written content that promotes a product or service by providing information about its features, benefits, or advantages. These ads may also use visual elements such as images or videos to attract attention and convey the message.

On the other hand, a radio jingle is a short and catchy musical composition that is used in advertising to promote a product or service. Radio Jingles often contain a memorable melody and lyrics that are easy to remember, making them effective in building brand recognition and recall. They are designed to be catchy and stick in the mind of the listener, often incorporating the name of the product or service into the lyrics.

While both regular ads and jingles are used to promote products and services, jingles are often more memorable and can help create a strong emotional connection between the audience and the brand. Additionally, radio jingles can be used across various mediums, such as radio, television, and online platforms, whereas regular ads may be more limited in their reach and impact.

Jingle is one of the most popular types of radio ads. It is a musical ad that we often get to listen to on the radio. To record a radio jingle, the radio stations will subcontract to expert radio jingle producers who will develop the musical tone and melody, along with recording the session singers.

Radio advertisements cost - 30-second radio ads cost might vary anywhere between Rs. 100 to Rs. 2500 per second. But, as said, these vary from station to station, hence, it is best to contact the station and ask for their rates.

1. Select a radio station.

2. Discuss the cost per spot of FM Radio Advertising.

3. Design a plan for the number of days you want to run the campaign for.

4. Once the plan is final, design the radio ad.

5. Execution as per the plan.

At Excellent Publicity - A 360° Advertising Agency, we can make this process easier, faster, and reasonable for you. Therefore, if you wish to run any radio ad campaign or any other advertising service, choose Excellent Publicity.

1. Select a radio station.

2. Discuss the cost per spot of FM Radio Advertising.

3. Design a plan for the number of days you want to run the campaign for.

4. Once the plan is final, design the radio ad.

5. Execution as per the plan.

At Excellent Publicity - A 360° Advertising Agency, we can make this process easier, faster, and reasonable for you. Therefore, if you wish to run any radio ad campaign or any other advertising service, choose Excellent Publicity.

The length of the ad is a crucial consideration when making radio advertisements. The ideal FM radio advertising duration depends on various factors, such as the target audience, the content of the advertisement, and the type of product or service being promoted. However, research suggests that most audiences prefer advertisements that are shorter in length.

Typically, radio ads are between 15 and 60 seconds in length, with 30-second ads being the most common. Studies have shown that listeners are more likely to retain

The length of the ad is a crucial consideration when making radio advertisements. The ideal FM radio advertising duration depends on various factors, such as the target audience, the content of the advertisement, and the type of product or service being promoted. However, research suggests that most audiences prefer advertisements that are shorter in length.

Typically, radio ads are between 15 and 60 seconds in length, with 30-second ads being the most common. Studies have shown that listeners are more likely to retain

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