A Step By Step Guide To Make Your Newspaper Plan

What is Newspaper Advertising?

Newspaper advertisingmeans promoting your business through print ads in publications or newspapers. And now that most newspapers and journals have shifted online, the ads could be in digital format too

Newspaper advertising is one of the oldest and most widespread forms of advertising brands, services, and products. It is still the first form of advertising that comes to the mind of business owners when planning to advertise

Newspaper ads usually come in two divisions:

  • Classified ads

    these span across multiple columns horizontally and often include graphics and borders

  • Display ads

    these are in-column ads that follow the natural flow of the column down the page vertically

Radio Marketing

Why Should Businesses Consider Newspaper Advertising?

Undeniably, newspaper advertisementsare one of the cheapest and most effective ways to reach a larger audience. Especially those in their late 40s. A few other benefits of newspaper advertising that businesses must consider are:

  1. Newspapers aren’t obsolete. They are still very relevant to specific demographics of consumers. Advertising in a renowned newspaper means you are speaking to an audience who will pay attention to your message because they trust the information provided in that newspaper.
  2. Another fantastic advantage of advertising in newspapers is that you don’t have to break your head when it comes to knowing your target. If you are a local business that wants to drive traffic to your brick-and-mortar store, newspaper advertising is the best solution. Moreover, it is equally compelling for firms if they want to tap into the national market.
  3. Believe it or not, split tests can also be conducted through newspaper ads. Because of the newspaper cycles' nature, you can collect split testing results relatively quickly. Marketers can test different headlines and attach coupon codes to determine the most effective. That’s how you can make marketing efforts more efficient in the long run.
  4. According to statistics, almost 67% of small-town communities still prefer reading local newspapers at least once a week. Also, 78% of those people said that the newspaper is their primary source of getting local events-related information. Similarly, 71% of participants stated that newspaper ads influence buying decisions.
  5. Regarding remnant advertising, the cost is the first benefit marketers consider. Speaking to a larger or specific audience at a lower price can generate qualified leads, which you can later convert into paying customers.

Who Needs To Do Newspaper Advertising?

Newspaper ads are open to any business, brand, or company. Given the affordable costs and decent results, anyone can go for newspaper ads. But consider display ads or front page spreads only if you have a higher budget, as these are the most expensive types.

When Should Businesses Place Ads in a Newspaper?

If you are launching a new product or service and are willing to throw a festival-specific sale or discount, newspaper ads can work wonders. Also, you must consider the days on which you plan to advertise. For instance, due to higher circulation, Sunday is the best day to place an ad in a newspaper, and many papers also offer significant discounts.

Where Should Businesses Place Ads in a Newspaper?

Where you place an ad in a newspaper highly depends on what you want to advertise. Usually, newspaper readers are prone to draw their eyes toward the bottom right-hand side of the page before they turn. Therefore, this position and page is the most desirable location for many advertisers when negotiating contracts.

How Can Businesses Advertise in Newspapers?

Every newspaper has various sections where you can publish your ads per your needs and budget. It took a lot of work to book an advertisement in a newspaper in the early times. Advertisers had to travel to the newspaper office to submit an ad copy in a form. However, today, you can easily publish your ads from your home. All you need to do is connect to a renowned advertising agency.

Excellent Publicityis one such renowned advertising agency based in Pune, Delhi, Hyderabad, and Dubai. We have years of relevant experience in the industry and can help you figure out the best advertising medium, effective strategy, and budget for your business.


Excellent Publicity has given some of the best advertising strategies for newspapers. This might get a little tricky to understand and implement, but that is where our Executives step in.

Newspaper advertisements have their own value in the overall advertisement segment. If you wish to put an advertisement in the newspaper, follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Choose a Newspaper. Select the newspaper based on the region in which you want your ad to appear.
  • Target location and circulation selection.
  • Ad Category Selection.
  • Ad Type Selection.
  • Date selection.
  • Composing, optimizing, and approving ads.
  • Payment.
  • If you are looking for someone who can help you with advertisements in newspapers, Executives at Excellent Publicity are always ready!

    For inquiries, you can mail us at: Vdmediamoguls@gmail.com

    Newspapers charge different rates for advertisements depending on the size and day of the advertisement. The price of newspaper advertisements varies. The Times of India charged 650 Rs. for five lines of advertisement. Additionally, matrimonial advertisements cost between 2000–3000 Rs.

    Due to the frequent delivery of newspapers to specific geographic areas and newspaper ads for specific audiences, newspaper advertisements can be extremely targeted. To target elderly groups, for instance, who might be less familiar with internet marketing, newspapers are a wonderful option.


    Divide the amount you spent on your campaign by the number of qualified leads or sales that generated to calculate your marketing ROI. Keep track of your ROI with each new iteration of your print advertising campaigns, and you should notice it rise as you home in on your target audience's desires.

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